SUNDAY SERVICE  11:00am-12:00pm


Unity Church of Boerne meets every Sunday at 11:00am for an inspiring and enlightening Sunday Message.

We are located at 121 Scenic Loop in Boerne, Texas, near the San Antonio-end of Boerne. When you cross under or use exit #543 off IH-10, you’ll travel 1.4 miles East on Scenic Loop (away from Boerne). We are on your left-hand side of the 2nd sharp curve.  Please Be Safe, and slow your vehicle before this curve. Just drive through the old stone gate and park under the trees or under the sun.    And just so that you know,   We meet in a quaint 85 year-old one-room school house; and we’re looking forward to greeting and meeting you.  Great fellowship, a great  spirit of learning, and some pretty friendly folks.   Come on in!

As well as our regular pianist, we periodically enjoy music performed by a variety of talented South Texas artists.

We are a small group (normally around 35-40 attendees) and love visitors.  You are guaranteed to feel welcome and accepted.

While kids are always appreciated, and invited to attend service, we do not currently have a youth or children’s program.  We anticipate the need as we grow.

  • WATCH SERVICE ON FACEBOOK: Every Sunday at 11:00 am for the Sunday Experience at Unity of Boerne (pronounced  Burr-nee); and you can generally find each for up to 30 days on Facebook.

  • WATCH ARCHIVED SERVICES by Checking Out Our YouTube Channel at:  

  • LISTEN TO ARCHIVED SUNDAY SERVICES before 2020 (audio only) right here on the Listen In Tab

Find out what our visitors are learning and returning for. Whether you’ve missed a service or speaker or would just like to go back into our achives and listen to some of the previous Sunday messages, Just click on the Home Page LISTEN tab and select; or  you can access them here.


We have a well-attended book discussion before the Sunday Service in the Fellowship Room and Lending Library right next to the sanctuary.

You may join anytime, come regularly, or just once in a while. You do not need to have read the book to participate. We take turns (volunteers) reading a portion of a chapter and then we pause and discuss. We enjoy the many different points of view and consider ourselves to be very open-minded, non-judgemental and Free Thinkers … welcoming all the diverse thoughts and ideas.

We are currently studying, Practical Metaphysics by Eric Butterworth.  You don’t need a copy of the book to join us, but if you want one, you can order them on Amazon. We move through them at an unrushed, comfortable pace, with lots of discussion and sharing.     Certainly this is an empowering meetup and discussion.

  • SUNDAY LUNCH BUNCH                        

After Service on non-Potluck Sundays, those of us who can, invariably continue the fellowship and meet for lunch at one of the local restaurants for some good food, fun, and friendly conversation.

Click on our newsletter tab for the list of restaurants for each month.